What Are the Different Types of Product Images?

When it comes to product image views, furniture companies that are used to conventional photography might believe there are simply a few options. And rightfully so, because product photography and editing is time-consuming and expensive. However, Betterthan technology allows manufacturers to produce an infinite number of product images with ease. This means that they can have more attractive and informative visuals for their e-commerce sales in order to increase their profits. Here are 13 types of product images for furniture that every company should consider:
  1. Corner View (3/4 Angle)
  2. Front View
  3. Side View
  4. Back View
  5. Component View
  6. Close-Up
  7. Top View
  8. Size & Proportion
  9. Product Set
  10. Feature Callout
  11. Hero Shot
  12. 360 View
  13. Multi-Row 3D View
1. Corner View (3/4 Angle) – this type of image is important because it gives potential customers a sense of the piece’s scale and how it will look in relation to other furniture or objects in a room.

2. Front View – the front view is essential for allowing customers to see all the details of the piece, including any embellishments or carvings.

3. Side View – the side view gives customers another perspective of the furniture and can be helpful in showing off certain features that might not be as noticeable from the front.
4. Back View – the back view is important for customers who want to see how the piece looks from behind, especially if it will be placed against a wall.

5. Component View – this type of image is helpful for customers who want to see how different components of the furniture fit together or what they look like up close.

6. Close-Up – a close-up image is great for highlighting specific details, such as the grain of the wood or the stitching on upholstery.

7. Top View – the top view is ideal for customers who want to get a sense of the furniture’s proportions and see how it will look from above.

8. Size & Proportion – this type of image is important for helping customers understand the size of the piece and how it will look in relation to other furniture or objects in a room.
9. Product Set – a product set image is perfect for showing how different pieces of furniture can be used together to create a cohesive look.

10. Feature Callout – a feature callout image is ideal for highlighting a specific feature of the furniture, such as an adjustable backrest or built-in storage.

11. Hero Shot – a hero shot is typically a close-up image that shows off the furniture in all its glory, making it the perfect choice for the main image on your website or product pages.

12. 360 View – a 360-degree view gives customers a complete look at the furniture from all angles, allowing them to see it from every perspective.

13. Multi-Row 3D View – a multi-row 3D view is perfect for showing how different pieces of furniture can be used together to create a cohesive look. It also allows customers to see the furniture from multiple angles, giving them a better understanding of its size and proportions.

If you’re looking for ways to improve your product images, BetterThan is the way to go. With BetterThan, you can have any type of image you need, without the hassle or expense of traditional photography. Contact a BetterThan company today to learn more about how they can help you create stunning product images that will boost your sales and profits.